"It's only $10 and you'll save more than you spend!"

September 13th - 27th

This  Year's Card...


Fundraising money provides students with incredible enrichment opportunities, scholarships for private lessons and summer camps, and provides us with the funds to host special events like the CCC at no cost to students! It also provides money to purchase concert attire, sheet music, musical instruments, sound equipment and much more! Thank you for your ongoing financial support and more importantly for encouraging your students’ love of singing!


Click or tap on the image below to view the Google Slide Show students saw in class. 

The TCAPS Music Department Discount Card Fundraiser is the best fundraiser EVER! It's the best for students because it's fast and easy and everyone wants to save money, not spend it! Everyone wants a card because cards are only $10 and they'll save more than they's a discount card! Discounts are offered to several area businesses and some even save you the $10 you spent with only one use! The best part...nearly 90% of the proceeds are profit! That's unheard of! Most fundraisers only return about 40% of the gross sales. Thank you to all of our local vendors for their generosity and thank you to all of our customers for supporting us too! It's a win-win for everyone!


Don't say, "sell" or "buy." Just ask for help! :-)

Smile and look your potential customer in the eyes. Speak in a clear voice (try not to mumble or say “um” or "like" a lot). Introduce yourself and get to the point:



"Hi! Will you please help me?"

"Help me help you save money!"

"It’s ONLY $10 and you’ll save more than you spend!”


Sample Script

Student: “Will you please help me?” 

Customer: “Sure, how can I help?” 

Student: “Please help me help you save money.”

Customer: “What do you mean?” 

Student: “It’s only $10 and you’ll save more than you spend!” 

(Hand them a card)

Customer: “What is it? How does it work?” 

Student: “You can save money all year long at these places!”

Customer: “It’s only $10 and I’ll save more than I spend! Thanks!”

Student: “You’re welcome! Thank you for helping me help you help us! Would you like one for your best friend too?”


Remember to look them in the eye when you’re talking to them, but look down at the card when you hand it to them. They’ll look at it and most likely, they’ll take it from you and then you'll probably have your first customer...I mean, helper. :-)


If they say they’ll take one, ask them if they’d like to get one for their best friend. Most people have a best friend that will come to mind right away and make them happy...Happy people help other people...We want people to be happy. :-)


If someone doesn't want one, just thank them kindly, smile, and leave. You might be surprised to have some people decide to help after you’ve turned around because you respected them.


One of the primary goals in this fundraiser is to encourage 100% participation


The first incentive offered is that each student who delivers just 3 cards will be entered into a drawing for ONE $100 bill


The second incentive is that for every 10 cards delivered, a student will get to draw 1 bill. There will be a variety of $2's, $5's, $10's, $20's, and $50's in a bag with a higher percentage of larger denomination bills than $2's.


PLUS, If students deliver 10 cards DURING "Fast Start" they will receive double rewards (2 bills per 10 cards)! Fast start ends the first time I see them in class the following week. This will be an "honor system" award process.


Additionally, students who deliver 25 cards will be entered into a 2nd drawing for ONE $100 bill! Your name goes in the drawing once for every 25 cards you deliver.


1. Each student will receive 10 cards the first weekend.

2. If students or parents would prefer not to participate or don't think they'll be able to participate they should return their cards after the first weekend.

3. Collect Cash or Check (made out to TCAPS) upon delivery.

4. Do NOT deliver cards without payment.

5. Turn in all collected money to Mr. Dee or return undelivered cards on Monday (especially if you have most of your cards still) so that other students who need more cards can take them.

6. Please consider writing a check to cover all of the cash you collect. Checks are MUCH SAFER! Please try not to turn in $1 bills and please no coins. Thank you!

7. Donation checks should be made payable to TCWCO (Traverse City West Choir Organization).

8. REMEMBER to thank all of your customers with a BIG SMILE and a hearty “THANK YOU!” 


Only ask people who live in or regularly visit Traverse City.

FAMILY: Mom, Dad, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, other relatives


FRIENDS: Mom’s best friend, Your best friend’s mom (might be the same…might not)


NEIGHBORS: Only knock on doors your parents have approved.


People you see regularly somewhere.


Ask your Mom or Dad to take an order form to work (only if allowed)



Strangers (unless you’re meeting your neighbors with an adult present)


Donation checks should be made payable to TCWCO (Traverse City West Choir Organization). This 501c3 non-profit funds the prize money for our fundraiser as well as providing significant scholarships and additional financial support for enrichment activities and classroom & performance supplies.

Links to related websites:

Visit the TC West Senior High

Choir Website: